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ESTD - AFTD Conference 2023
When Attachment Meets Trauma: Disorganization and Dissociation From Childhood to Adulthood. Quand l’attachement est traumatisé : Désorganisation et dissociation dès l’enfance
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2023年3月09日 08:00 – 2023年3月11日 19:00
Bruxelles, Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium
When attachment meets trauma:
Disorganization and Dissociation from childhood to adulthood
Quand l’attachement est traumatisé :
Désorganisation et dissociation dès l’enfance
For a long time, the clinic of attachment and of trauma were thought of separately, even though the phenomena they dealt with were, from the outset, closely linked. The observation by paediatricians in the 1940s of the experience of children placed in institutions (hospital or not) and deprived of the presence of their parents or a benevolent attachment figure amply demonstrates this.
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